Friday, December 3, 2010

One more week to go!

One more week!
I can't believe I am only one week away. I feel excited and nervous all at the same time! I bumped into someone today who knew what the Walt Disney World Mom's Panel is (which is refreshing) and she amped me up even more since she knew why I'm so excited. Hopefully this next week will go by fast, however there's still so much to do! I still need to hem my pants (must do), pick up a few more Christmas gifts, take N to playdates, make some meals for the hubby, and somewhat clean house. But most of all, I have to pack! I've been breaking in my Crocs all week in preparation of walking in them all morning, day and night. Woo hoo!

On a side note, I'm exhausted. Not sure why I've been so tired lately. N is just running me down. He's definitely an active boy! At least I can count on a nap every day, although I should be using this time to do dishes, laundry, napping...but instead I am catching up on last nights shows. I'll regret this in a couple hours.

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