I spread the word via social networking that my family is expecting another bundle of joy. I will officially be 13 weeks tomorrow, which will boost me into the second trimester. Woo hoo! Here's how we announced our new baby to be:
Pregnancy this time around has been kicking my butt. I'm extremely exhausted...ALL THE TIME! However, I am starting to get some energy back. Slowly but surely. I have also had my battle with nausea, which I had little to none of the first go around.
I'm looking forward to the next 6 months of growing with my new baby and possibly sharing some funny and not so funny stories of my roller coaster through pregnancy: part deux.
I cant waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Why cant you be like a convection oven and cook the baby like 70% faster so we can meet he or she sooner? :)