Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sewing is the new black! **GIVEAWAY**

At least for me it is.

My mom taught me how to use her sewing machine when I was about 14. I can't for the life of me think of why or what I made, but I have never forgotten how. I've made lots of things over the years including a cheerleader Halloween costume, pajama pants, boxer shorts for Home Economics, purses and now nursing covers, Boppy pillow covers, and little girls pillowcase dresses. I like to start projects, but I usually never follow through with them. I'm sure if you asked my husband to tell you how many ideas I've had that have fizzled out, he will just roll his eyes and grunt. He is ever so supportive whenever I say, "so honey, I've been thinking..." That usually means $ out the window. He is my biggest fan and will gladly hop in the car and drive me to the craft store. This time is different. I am using my crafty sewing skills and actually bringing $ IN the window, or rather my family's piggy bank, this time.

After high school, I lost interest in sewing (per usual). I asked my mom for a hand-held sewing machine for Christmas a few years ago because I was always hand stitching the hems of my pants. Instead, she bought me a real sewing machine. The interest quickly came back. I can spend all day looking in pattern books! I started making cute things again.

I've always been told I need to sell my creations somewhere, whether it be online or at a craft show. I was never sure if this was the same as family and friends telling a really terrible singer to go on American Idol. I pushed all of my insecurities out the window and decided it was time to go for it. If no one likes my stuff, that's ok. I opened my Etsy shop last November and started with just a few things, which grew into more things, which grew into customers asking for custom made things, which grew into a huge smile on my face. People are actually interested and I have found something I am good at and have actually followed through with! I never really thought anyone would actually find any of my items in the vast world of Etsy.

My sewing machine broke a few weeks ago, so I had to "borrow" my moms machine...the same one I learned how to sew on 16 years ago. I'm pretty sure she knows she isn't ever getting it back.

In keeping the promise to myself to "follow-through" with this business venture, I have created a Facebook page for my store and here is where the giveaway details begin.

Please visit my page HERE and "like" it. I will enter the first 50 names into a drawing to win a Minnie Mouse cosmetic bag like this:If I get 50 "Likes" in 24 hours, I will give away 2 of these!

Wait, there's more! I will enter the first 100 names who "Like" my page into a drawing to win a Minnie Mouse backpack like this:
or this:
You can potentially win BOTH!

To visit my Esty store, go to www.AvaBabyCo.com.

Thank you in advance for everyone's support in my new crafty venture!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Finding Nemo in 3D Coming to Theaters!

I cannot wait for this! Finding Nemo is one of Neil's favorite movies AND favorite stage shows at Disney World! He is going to be so excited when this comes to theaters.

Watch the trailer below!

Find Nemo at your local theater on September 14th. In the meantime, "Like" FINDING NEMO 3D on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PixarFindingNemo

Who's your favorite Finding Nemo fishy?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Talk to a toddler or talk like a toddler?

It's usually both in this household. I became a stay-at-home Mom a little over three years ago and spent the first year and a half playing at home, taking Neil to parks, to Gymboree and for walks in the neighborhood. I decided it was time to join a Mom's Playgroup, not only for him to socialize, but mostly for me to get some adult conversation! Three years ago my days were spent talking finance, mortgages and listening to talk radio during my hour commute to and from the office. It seems a little weird to even type "the office" now. Now my days are spent swapping birthing stores, conversations about babies, toddlers, poop, Chuck E Cheese, a bit of sex (we are women after all), breastfeeding and the latest, Girl Scout cookies. My commute to and from the parks playdates are spent listening to Radio Disney or Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers. I miss my days at "the office", but the office I've occupied for the last three years is home to the the best (and hardest) job I've ever had. I love my friends and the girl talk we have, but I cherish the conversations with my baby and toddler the most.