Monday, January 16, 2012

Talk to a toddler or talk like a toddler?

It's usually both in this household. I became a stay-at-home Mom a little over three years ago and spent the first year and a half playing at home, taking Neil to parks, to Gymboree and for walks in the neighborhood. I decided it was time to join a Mom's Playgroup, not only for him to socialize, but mostly for me to get some adult conversation! Three years ago my days were spent talking finance, mortgages and listening to talk radio during my hour commute to and from the office. It seems a little weird to even type "the office" now. Now my days are spent swapping birthing stores, conversations about babies, toddlers, poop, Chuck E Cheese, a bit of sex (we are women after all), breastfeeding and the latest, Girl Scout cookies. My commute to and from the parks playdates are spent listening to Radio Disney or Chip n' Dale Rescue Rangers. I miss my days at "the office", but the office I've occupied for the last three years is home to the the best (and hardest) job I've ever had. I love my friends and the girl talk we have, but I cherish the conversations with my baby and toddler the most.

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