Thursday, April 26, 2012

CLOSED Marvel's The Avengers GIVEAWAY!!!!

Who's excited for the new Avengers movie?  I am, I am!!!  Who's excited to win a cool Avengers prize pack?  Check it out below! 


MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS t-shirt in adult  sizes of S, M, L, XL
MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS set of 6 buttons
MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS one pair of limited edition 3D glasses

Three chances to win!  The winner will be chosen on May 8th by  Open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. 

One entry by leaving a comment telling me if you were a super hero, what would your super power be?

One entry if you “Like” MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS on Facebook:  Leave a comment below letting me know you did.

One entry if you follow MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS on Twitter:!/avengers  Leave me a comment below letting me know you did.

Check out The Avengers in theaters everywhere May 4th!

CONGRATULATIONS WES H.!  You are the winner of the Avengers prize pack!


  1. Hmm, I would have super human powers similar to Captain America :)
    I like the avengers on facebook and follow them on twitter!
    Thanks for the giveaway and good luck to everyone!!

  2. I liked the Avengers on Facebook and I would love to have a super fast cleaning super power- you know like blink and the house sparkles ;)

  3. I would like to have teleportation as my super power so that I could go to WDW every weekend! :-) I have liked the Avengers on Facebook and followed them on Twitter!

  4. I would love to be able to make time SLOOOOOOOOWWWWW down. My son is growing up too fast and I never have enough time to do what I want to with him or my family. ( I also followed The Avengers on Twitter. )

  5. I would love to be invisible, then I could sneak into all the top secret, behind the scenes areas at WDW to know what's new. I could also sneak into all the Disney Parks for free. (I have followed the Avengers on Twitter & Facebook)

  6. I think it would have to be the ability to FLY! I would love to be able to soar over Disney and make all those international tourists jealous! :-) I'd love to win the patches! I am following on FB and Twitter!

  7. I would LOVE to have the power to grant wishes to people...that would be so cool to make a person's day like that! I am now following on Facebook and Twitter as well.

  8. Hmmm... I only get to pick ONE superpower!! Party Pooper !!! :) I guess I'd like to be Elastigirl then - she rocks!

    I've liked on FB and followed on twitter too! :)

  9. If I had one superpower it would be the power to become invisible.
    I liked on FB and followed on Twitter

  10. If I had a super power, it would be to fly

    radiodisneyfan (dot) Helent at

  11. I liked avengers on facebook

  12. I follow them on twitter - @iDisneyGirl

  13. I have always wanted to be able to teleport. Imagine being able to be anywhere you can imagine, in the blink of an eye. It's the best of all worlds, since you can sneak into places easily like if you were invisible, and get away quickly if caught. You can get places faster than you could fly. Watch the opening sequence of X-Men 2 to get an idea of how effective it could be. I also liked Avengers on FB.

  14. If I had a super power I would want to be able to freeze time. That way, when I'm exhausted in the afternoons, instead of chasing after 2 toddlers, I could freeze time and take a nap.

    I liked on FB and followed on Twitter.

