Monday, December 27, 2010

Re-couping from Christmas

I haven't had much time to sit down and do anything lately, but I will eventually write up a post about my ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Disney Mom's Panel experience. The 2011 class goes live on January 1st, so my mugshot and video will be on very soon. I'm a little excited for that, except I haven't seen my head shot yet. I'm not too worried about it though, it's the fun and experience of the Mom's Panel I'm after.

Lots going on in January...4 day Disney trip to help out with the Unofficial Guide Research Trip and also our 5 day Norwegian Cruise Line no-baby cruise! I'm really excited to just relax with my husband and explore a new cruise line. (I'm sure it won't compare to Disney Cruise Line, hehe)

How was your Christmas? Mine was fantastic. My mom gave me this creative cupcake book, so I'm excited to try out some of those ideas. Be on the lookout for some pictures coming up...if I can find the time. There's always time to bake and decorate, right? Just need to get the kitchen cleaned up of all the Christmas stuff and I'll be good to go

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tomorrow is the big day! Today has been completely insane. I didn't even start being productive until about 3pm. I'm mostly packed, clothes are set aside for the baby for when I'm gone, he's all packed up for when they meet up with me on Tuesday, and I'm exhausted!

See you guys in a week!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Disney, Playdates and Pesto!

I can't believe it's only 3 DAYS AWAY!! I'm so excited about it that I started typing that sentence again! I plan on starting to pack today to I can see if I'm missing anything and to make sure I have enough outfits. I am really enjoying not knowing the itinerary. I'm usually the one who plans everything and makes reservations everywhere, so the surprise is going to be nice. I have a feeling we're going to be doing/seeing a lot of things that I have never done/seen before, so I am really looking forward to that What I wouldn't give to actually plan this trip though! I can't wait to meet my new Disney family!

I have completed Christmas and anniversary shopping. Well, except for a couple gift cards and I'm waiting for a couple items to arrive in the mail. But for the most part it is complete. Our tree is up and there's a star on top, but I don't think we will be putting ornaments on it this year. Don't get me wrong, I love ornaments on the tree, but this holiday has been so super busy that I just don't feel like doing it. :) I do need to find the stocking holders and our stockings so I can fill them. I wonder if Santa will be filling my stocking this year.

Playdate is at my house today. The kids will be making photo frame ornaments. I'm using this playdate as an excuse to make the pesto dip. Yum! It's been awhile since I've had it and my cream cheese is going to expire in a couple weeks. (I swear, it is!) Yesterday the kids made handmade coasters as a gift to the grandparents for Christmas. I will snap a photo of them when they are completely done. They turned out gorgeous though!

Here's the pesto dip recipe in case you're wondering (super duper easy!):

1 8oz brick of cream cheese
1 jar of basil pesto (I like to drain it a little bit)

Mix them together, throw it in a baking dish (I use a square glass one) and bake it for about 25 minutes at 350. Serve with any cracker. I prefer wheat thins. Yum yum yum!

Friday, December 3, 2010

One more week to go!

One more week!
I can't believe I am only one week away. I feel excited and nervous all at the same time! I bumped into someone today who knew what the Walt Disney World Mom's Panel is (which is refreshing) and she amped me up even more since she knew why I'm so excited. Hopefully this next week will go by fast, however there's still so much to do! I still need to hem my pants (must do), pick up a few more Christmas gifts, take N to playdates, make some meals for the hubby, and somewhat clean house. But most of all, I have to pack! I've been breaking in my Crocs all week in preparation of walking in them all morning, day and night. Woo hoo!

On a side note, I'm exhausted. Not sure why I've been so tired lately. N is just running me down. He's definitely an active boy! At least I can count on a nap every day, although I should be using this time to do dishes, laundry, napping...but instead I am catching up on last nights shows. I'll regret this in a couple hours.