Friday, November 12, 2010

I don't think the reality of all this has sunk in yet. I keep waiting for Disney to call me to tell me they made a mistake and that my yes was meant for someone else. BUT I got a phone call yesterday asking me if I had any food allergies and dietary restrictions. I told her I SHOULD have dietary restrictions, but no...I'm good with everything. :) I know I should have tons of questions, but really the only thing I can think about is what I'm going to wear. HA! I'm a SAHM in Florida, so I wear shorts/capri's, t-shirts and flip flops everyday. I don't even think I own a pair of dress pants anymore. Guess it's time to go shopping! I also called my salon to get an appointment for the shaggy mess on my head. I'm really trying hard to not let this preoccupy all of my thoughts, but it's really hard! I find myself hitting the refresh button my email all day long to get the next piece of the puzzle for what's going to happen in December for the training. I'm really excited to find out where we will be staying!

I'd also like to say thank you to my BFF for being so supportive through the application process. I'm sure I annoyed you with the countless times I said I think I'm going to be sick when I was waiting for results each round. And thank you for being just as excited as I am! You really "get" me and that's why I love you the most. :D (Save the crying for your wedding)

Thank goodness for my mom's group to keep me busy and thinking about other things. Today, the playdate is at my house and we are making mini caramel apples. I cleaned the house last night, however, Neil is already tearing it up. Should be a fun time!


  1. too late, already crying :)

    I <3 you!!!!!!!

  2. just be careful of the brainwashed crazies!! beeee carefuuuul hahaha (this is BJ)
