Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas tree is up, holiday music is playing and a nice breeze just swept through the house. Ahhhhhhhhh. What a wonderful Saturday! I must admit that I'm a bit terrified to go back into the kitchen. I know all those store bags are calling my name to come wrap all the presents that are inside. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE wrapping presents, however I just want to sit here a little bit longer before I actually get into that mess.

How was your Thanksgiving? Mine was great. Had dinner at my parents house on Wednesday, and then we all went over to my in-law's house on Thanksgiving. Lots of food, lots of full bellies. My son had a sleepover that night at Nana's so my husband and I could go Black Friday shopping.

Yes, I'm one of "those people" who enjoy getting up in the middle of the night when all the neighbors are sleeping to go buy a bunch of stuff we don't really need, but feel like the deal is so good we can't pass it up. This year, there was no getting up in the middle of the night since the sales started at 10pm the night BEFORE Black Friday. We did start at that 10pm store (Toys R Us), however we didn't even park because the line waiting to get in was wrapped not only around the building, but around the entire shopping complex. We headed to Walmart, where the sales started at midnight. I camped out at Walmart from about 10pm and didn't leave until about 1am. I got everything I needed. Broke a nail when the riot broke out at the DVD's, but that's ok. The riot? Yes, well that's what everyone was calling it. I was grabbing DVD's when I heard a bunch of screaming next to me. There was a security guard there who said something like, "everybody play nice!" I didn't want to lose focus on my goal, so I kept moving around the big square pile of DVD's. It wasn't until later that I found out from the woman in line behind me at checkout that a man got really angry about someone grabbing the DVD that he wanted, so he picked up a stack of them and threw them at the crowd. I won't go into detail about exactly what I mean by "crowd", you just had to be there to believe me. We also went to Kmart, Bed Bath & Beyond, Toys R Us a couple more times, Target, Walmart again, Kohls and I believe that's all. We got everything we set out to get, and a little more. Now all of those gifts are in the kitchen...still waiting for me, still taunting me to come wrap them in red and green paper. I guess I should also mention that out of all those presents, I still have EVERYONE to shop for still. What in the heck did we buy? And also would like to thank my hubby for coming out with me. I know it's a pain in the butt, but we had fun.

There's that nice breeze again. *sigh

The countdown is now 13 days!!!! 13 days until I meet 14 other people who had a magical phone call that will change their lives and mine! I've been corresponding via Facebook and email with them, so I feel like I somewhat know them already. I received my contract last week, so everything is official now. Just waiting on something to tell me when and where I am supposed to be on December 10th. Now I just need to hem my pants, pack my suitcase, get my hair done, pack up the boys for our anniversary trip, make a couple meals for the husband to eat while I'm gone, break in my Crocs, finish the holiday shopping......and so and and so on. Can you tell I'm excited?

Do any of you have fun holiday plans this year?


  1. thanksgiving kinda sucked, which you could read about on my blog if youre bored enough. Jason does black friday but I really dont. I did once, but I have a 'crowd' thing so I didnt enjoy it.

    holidays in maryland. like usual. at least my father in law is probably coming up, which is fun.

  2. Aahhh what are we 10 days now? I got awesome deals on black year we keep the boys at home and go together. I actually got one of your things in BF. :) At least my walmart was outsized not like yours. We need to do a Christmas get together. Lets goo caroling then eat cookies and cider!

    Beej sorry your turkey day was a bummer!
